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Oct 12, 2024 - RELEASE: Rep. Jim Townsend Issues IPRA Request to Secretary of State

The IPRA request was sent October 4th. It can be viewed HERE.

Jim Townsend issued this update on facebook. Apparently, at this point in time, the SOS is refusing to release the requested information.

Santa Fe, NM - State Representative Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) announced today that he has issued an Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) request to the Secretary of State’s office asking for all communications between the Secretary of State’s staff, the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) and the Election Registration Information Center (ERIC) from April 1, 2024, through October 4, 2024.

The purpose of the IPRA request is to review all documents relating to a recent action by Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver to send postcards notifying New Mexico residents, including those who are non-U.S. citizens, they may be eligible to vote. Under both state and federal law, non-citizens are not permitted to register and vote in elections. Specifically, Representative Townsend is asking to see the names and addresses of those who the Secretary of State has notified of their eligibility to vote in the November election.

“I have been notified by ineligible voters in my district that the Secretary of State has sent them registration cards,” said Townsend. “As trust in our institutions continues to worsen, it is unconscionable to think that our top election official may be advising non-citizens to vote.”

Recent reports indicate the Secretary of State’s office has sent over 100,000 “registration notifications” to people across New Mexico. Representative Townsend’s concern about the integrity of our voting systems is based on New Mexico policy that allows driver’s licenses to be issued to illegal immigrants. Individuals can register to vote online using the driver’s license and a “work only” Social Security card, although neither of those documents provide proof of citizenship.

“Recent actions by the Secretary of State are leading to questions about the integrity of our election system. Her refusal to provide the requested information only legitimizes the concerns we are hearing, and it is my hope she takes this IRPA request seriously. We need more confidence in our elections systems, not less. What the Secretary of State has done will only cause greater distrust in her office and in the honesty of our election results.”

Sep 28, 2024 - ABQ Journal County Clerk questions and my answers

Any system can be improved. I have the knowledge, experience, and leadership abilities to do it.

ABQ Journal Q&A image

These answers had a strict word limit so I had to be terse. Hopefully I was not so terse that I wasn't clear. Please feel free to use our Contact Us link to provide feedback.

The article can be found here.

Thank you.

Sep 18, 2024 - County Clerk's Office Professional Development

KM World 2024 Conference

KM World 2024 Conference

I think it is important for Knowledge Management professionals, like those in the Bernalillo County Clerk's Recording and Filing Department, to attend conferences like KM World 2024.

Attendance should be open to all levels of management and staff but limited to only the top performers so they can grow their careers and contribute more to the County Clerk's operations.

I have attended and presented at this conference in the past. My presentations were in the Enterprise Search track but there are many other tracks that are relevant to filing and recording operations.

Sep 11, 2024 - OPINION: County clerk systems can be improved to better serve the public

Published in the September 12th print issue of the Albuquerque Journal

iPhone Screen Capture

The Albuquerque Journal published my article in response to their invitation for candidates to contribute. In it I discuss my background and experience that will enable me to lead the continuous improvement of all systems used in the county clerk's office to serve you the public.

The article can be found here.

As always, thank you for your support.

Aug 29, 2024 - Incorrect Voter Registration Instructions being sent out by Blue CD2 New Mexico USA

You must be a U.S. Citizen to Vote in New Mexico

Incorrect Blue CD2 New Mexico Post Card

Recently it has been brought to my attention that the card pictured above, and variations of it, are being sent out to residents of New Mexico who are not currently registered to vote. It implies that New Mexico residency is all that is required to register to vote in New Mexico. I submitted a request for information to [email protected] and got a response that included the following (in part):

Since the NM MVD database is used to verify citizenship I have submitted an IPRA request to the State of New Mexico asking for documentation on how U.S. citizenship is verified for inclusion in the NM MVD database.

I will keep you posted as I learn more.

August 19, 2024 - Campaign Finance Update

Thanks to all who have contributed!

Thanks to my wonderful supporters we are now stocked up on signs and palm cards! Any future donations will now go to our next major effort which will be reaching out to absentee voters! I won't go into details but we have a very cost-effective way to reach them. Please consider supporting that effort! Thank you.

August 12, 2024 - New endorsement

As a Native New Mexican who has spent my entire life (except for one year) in Albuquerque and who 46 years ago married a Hispanic woman whose family goes back for centuries in Carnuel, I greatly appreciate this endorsement!

Hispanic Democrats for Clay Pryor

August 7, 2024 - Can we trust the tabulators in NM?

The answer is yes. Don't let anybody fool you with unsubstantiated conjectures and accusations.

I am often asked to speak to small groups. Recently my talks have been about my candidacy for Bernalillo County Clerk. Prior to running for County Clerk I was asked to speak about my investigation into the use of tabulators in New Mexico. Whenever I speak as a candidate for County Clerk I try to incorporate my understanding of our voting systems into my talk. Details of my investigations, conclusions, and recommendations can be found on my Causes tab of this website.

I know many people who have sincere questions about the use of tabulators in New Mexico. I was one of them so I sought to find answers for myself. As an educator in my college years and as someone who cares for the truth, I am very happy to share what I have learned with others who are interested. I can handle sincere questions and will find answers to questions that I do not already know the answer to.

Unfortunately there are those who do not appear to be sincere. Often times they have a "gotcha attitude" and will not listen to reasonable answers. Many of them claim to be republicans or independents. They will often accuse those who do not agree with them as being Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).

Some of these people have done a very good job at discouraging other people from voting with catchy phrases like "selections not elections." I have met many people who question why they should even vote since the elections are "rigged." I believe that, at least for New Mexico and Bernalillo County, I have solid answers for them. I provide references and follow-up actions that they can take to evaluate whether or not what I claim is true. Unfortunately, often they don't follow-up with my recommendations and choose to believe the perpetrators of catchy phrases instead.

Recently I was invited to speak to a non-partisan group where one of those "gotcha" people and some of his followers were in the audience. I have past experiences with his "gotcha" questions and have answered them effectively with facts and data. This time he listened to my talk (because he was required to by the moderator) and then in the Q&A took a new approach to get me. This time he asked me if I would be a "champion" for one of his causes. I answered "no" and tried to provide my reasons why but he and his buddies scoffed at me so they and the audience probably did not hear my reason why.

I hope everyone who questions the legitimacy of the elections in New Mexico will stop parroting what other people tell them and participate instead. Our elections are free, fair, AND TRANSPARENT. If you doubt it you too can learn for yourself by participating in them as more than a voter. With the proper training you can become a Poll Worker (and get paid) or you can be a Poll Challenger, Poll Watcher, and in some cases a Poll Observer. I would suggest you be a Poll Worker or Poll Observer. In these roles you can participate in all phases of the elections including early voting, day of voting, absentee and mail ballot acceptance, and, most importantly to me and often the most neglected, the post election system check.

Instead of being a complainer/follower/instigator, why not get involved to make a difference for the good of all? As a civil society, we must comply with applicable laws and procedures. If we don't like them, we can work through proper channels to change them. As a law-abiding citizen, that is the approach that I choose to take. I highly encourage all citizens to take the same approach.

August 2, 2024 - Campaign Update

Help me fund more palm cards and signs!

Due to very active candidate support, who are knocking doors and handing out my palm cards as they campaign for their own offices, my budget for palm cards is being exceeded. I need to continue funding other components of my campaign so, for now, I have to cut back on ordering replacement palm cards. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, due to active grass roots support, the demand for my signs is exceeding my current capacity to replace them.

As always, your help is greatly appreciated. If you can provide palm cards or signs that would be wonderful. I will report these as in kind contributions. If you prefer to contribute financially, all new contributions will go towards palm cards and signs until we have an adequate supply.

August 1, 2024 - Please "volunteer" to be a poll worker!

It does pay but it is also a way to volunteer to contribute to election integrity!

June 12, 2024 - We have a plan to win in the general election.

To Potential Donors, with your help we can win in the general election!

I have calculated the probability of winning based on actual voter data and my strategy for voter outreach.

It will take money to reach out to the volume of voters that will be needed. I do not want to reveal too much of my analysis publicly (for what I hope are obvious reasons) but I am willing to go through the details with potential donors so you can decide if it is worth investing in my campaign or not.

Thank you for your consideration!

June 5, 2024 - We won!

Thanks to all of my supporters!

Bernalillo County Clerk Primary Results

June 3, 2024 - How is the ballot order determined for the County Clerk?

There is a reason for it but it might not be what you think.

For the position of County Clerk, the ballot order is random and of no significance. Please see the Election Alphabet and NMAC ORDER OF CANDIDATE NAMES

June 1, 2024 - Albuquerque Journal Endorsement

Thank you Albuquerque Journal Editors!

ABQ Journal Endorsements Image

May 28, 2024 - What is the true threat to democracy that we keep hearing about when voter integrity measures are discussed?

Could it be the elites who are in charge that are the threat?

Consider this: Winston Marshall speaks at Oxford Union Society on populism.

Winston Marshall Speech

May 25, 2024 - Interview with Freedom Families United on The Rock of Talk Radio

Thank you to Casey and Micayle for having me on their show!

Please click on the image below to hear my portion of the show.

Freedom Families United Logo

May 24, 2024 - Hundreds of duplicate absentee ballots sent in Bernalillo County

So what are we to think of this?

Click on the image below to see my thoughts on the subject. We need to be careful not to jump to unjustified conclusions based on our own biasses. Investigate and let the data speak for itself. More often than not, the simplest solution that explains the data is correct.

Duplicate Ballots

May 13, 2024 - New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA) Annual Meeting

Protecting Your Rights and the 2nd Amendment in New Mexico Since 1935


I am honored to be a member of the NMSSA Board since 2021. Although I play a small part in the organization, NMSSA has been successful in helping to protect our right to keep and bear arms in New Mexico against progressives who don't seem to understand firearms or their legitimate constitionally protected role in our society.

May 11, 2024 - BallotReady - Bernco Primary Election candidates.

"Just the facts, ma'am" (Dragnet)


This is a great site for basic candidate information. This information appears to be derived from LinkedIn.

May 10, 2024 - Signs going up!

First Sign

First Sign

May 8, 2024 - The new Turning Point Action App is worth taking a look at.

An easy way to help get your favorite candidate elected!

TPACTION app screenshot

Please see my substack article for details.

May 4, 2024 - AFSCME Council 18 Endorsement

I am happy to announce that AFSCME Council 18 has chosen to endorse me for my primary.

AFSCME Council 18 logo

Please see my substack article for details. It is important to note that this endorsement is based on my answers to questions directly related to Bernalillo County employment. Other non-employment political stands often supported by "Labor" Unions were not discussed.

May 1, 2024 - Looking for help with campaign signs

When "they" tear it down you put it back up.

Many years ago I used to help with campaign signs for politicians that I supported. Although they were yard signs my yard was pretty secluded so it would only reach my immediate neighbors.

Instead of placing on sign in my yard I spread signs out along my daily work commute. I selected key locations and checked the signs along my route morning and night. Whenever I saw that someone had damaged or removed the signs I was maintaining I would replace the sign on my way home from work.

I would like to employ a similar strategy with my signs. I am looking for people who are willing to help me place and keep my signs in place. Would you be willing to help?

If so, please consider volunteering using either of these two links:

  1. Volunteer to help Clay Pryor for Bernalillo County Clerk!
  2. Contact Us - Volunteer

April 28, 2024 - UPDATE on Random Precinct Selection Process

Human error is the most likely explanation.

As mentioned earlier, we have received copies of the precinct selection tools from the SOS for 2022 and 2023. Although the 2022 tool did not translate the random dice rolls into random precinct selections, in my opinion based on the data, it is quite obvious what happened. The precincts in the data posted by the SOS which was used in the tool were only partially sorted. There is no requirement for it to be sorted when posted.

It seems the auditor accumulated counts on the non-sorted precincts. These accumulated counts are essential to make the correct precinct selections. After that, presumably because they noticed that the precincts were not sorted correctly, they then moved each out of order precinct and its associated data to the correct location. This broke the brackets used for selecting precincts associated with many of the dice rolls.

From a practical perspective, there were too many out of order precincts to manually move by hand as described above. Most likely the method they used was to run an excel sort on the data AFTER the the counts were accumulated. Thus, the brackets were broken in many locations. At this point they could have recalculated the accumulations which would have corrected the broken brackets but they failed to do so.

This appears to be a human error and should not repeat itself with proper training. In fact, it did not happen in the 2023 audit and the 2023 tool looks fine. In my opinion, the 2023 tool worked as intended and correctly translated the random dice rolls into the corresponding random precinct selections.


Thanks to NMFOG!

Technically, the SOS released the precinct selection normalization tool. I have been requesting access to this tool since June of 2023 and have been denied access until now. More importantly, the SOS now knows that we are watching them and they cannot withhold this data from us in the future.

This is a key component of the Post Election System Check as it is currently implemented. This tool converts dice rolls into selected precincts based on voter data. As covered in my causes page, there were some issues with the randomness of the precincts selected for hand counts in the 2022 Election post elections system check. Now we should have the data we need to understand what went wrong and to hopefully ensure process changes are made to prevent this from happening again in the future.

I can't thank the NM FOG enough. They did what nobody else I approached was willing or able to accomplish. Please consider donating to them to keep this non-partisan organization which is dedicated to open government in New Mexico fully funded for future work on the behalf of all New Mexicans.

April 16, 2024 - Published in today's Albuquerque Journal OPINION: Voters deserve assurances their votes are being counted as intended.

We have controls in place to make sure your vote is counted as intended.

Please get out and vote! Also, if you have time and interest, please get involved in election working or monitoring. We can use the help!

April 12, 2024 - in Local news channel 13 report.

A little distraction.

In news unrelated to my campaign I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to make local news. When I said "what I saw" I meant what I saw in a document not what I saw in person. Please see my April 02, 2024 news post below for more information. Thank you!

April 08, 2024 - Trust but verify.

It's not just for negotiating with the Russians.

April 03, 2024 - Our campaign vehicle

2005 Rav4.

It survived two teenagers and still has only 107,000 miles! Ready for more miles to be added!

Campaign Vehicle

April 02, 2024 - Did you know that you can be the public's eyes and ears to help monitor our elections as an election challenger, watcher or observer?

Please help with election integrity!

Here is more info from the New Mexico Secretary of State's official website. Election Challengers, Watchers & Observers Information

You can also become a paid election official for your county. Here is a link for Bernalillo county: Become an Election Board Official

March 24, 2024 - New Video - Very Long

See how Clay Pryor and Robert Kwasny differ on the issues important to the County Clerk.

It is two hours so please watch it if you have time on your hands and are interested in the differing perspectives of your two Republican candidates for Bernalillo County Clerk. This was completely ad hoc and unrehearsed. BTW, IPRA stands for Inspection of Public Records Act. Emerge Discussion - Robert Kwasny & Clay Pryor

March 18, 2024 - Thanks to my old friend and boss, Pat Milligan, our campaign was mentioned in today's Joe Monahan Report

Thank you for being a friend!

Thank you Pat for being such a great manager at Sandia National Labs and for continuing to support me even after retirement!

March 15, 2024 - New Article: Why does the Post Election System Check matter to all New Mexicans?

The source of the problem has been identified and was corrected for the 2023 election.

I just published the above article on Substack discussing why a certain audit, enshrined in New Mexico law, is important to all New Mexico voters. Please consider reading it and follow me on Substack.

March 12, 2024 - Filed for candidacy

We are officially in the race!


Today was the one and only day to file for candidacy for the office of Bernalillo County Clerk. Thanks to all of my supporters so far! Looks like we made it!

Paid for by Clay Pryor for NM